
Buy BitcoinX $BTCX With Metamask

Rate 1ETH = BTCX


You will receive: 800000000 BTCX

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What is Bitcoinx ($BTCX)?

How to Buy Bitcoinx ($BTCX)?

Why Hoding BTCX?

About Bitcoinx ($BTCX)

Bitcoinx ($BTCX) is a cryptocurrency that reward users through mining and social engagement.

CA: 0x93CE4963D4a7Ed8EF8b454e091F951Ff0c5c1DD0

Max Supply: BTCX(200 Trillion)

Why Hoding BTCX:

- Up to 60% Ad Revenue share to users in Bitcoinx BTCX in Staking Pool

- 20% of Ad Revenue is used to buyback BTCX & Burn BTCX to Reduce Supply

- 20% of Ad Revenue is used for development utilites for $BTCX